
I, Peter, by the gift of Aslan, by election and by conquest, High King of Narnia, Lord of Cair Paravel and Emperor of the Lone Islands, in order to prevent the abhominable effusion of blood do hereby challenge the usurper Miraz to single combat on the field of battle. 

The fight shall be to the death

The reward shall be total surrender.

Peter’s Orange Spiced Cake



@pevensienet challenge #4: Recipes & Delicacies

Peter realized and wholeheartedly did not what to do as he realized Christmas was coming. Christmas in Narnia was even a bit different than it’s time back in England. Which made the whole thought even more confusing. His Birthday fell two days before Christmas. In England, his mother did her best to not have his Birthday not be intentionally missed because of the idea of just waiting until Christmas to celebrate as if it was more convenient. His parents would give him one gift for his Birthday. This was the same for his three other siblings as well. Otherwise, it was rather quiet. 

Peter did not want to say much about it because it seemed rather selfish, but he wanted to know when, what day, his Birthday would be. Even if he missed it. 

Lucy though did not miss it. Or she hoped she did not. Seasons and even time ran differently in Narnia. So once it was two days before Christmas, she came from the kitchen with a proud smug and a cake with orange slices shining in the candlelight of that evening. 

The Narnians throughout Cair eventually realized that this was the High King’s Birthday. A few years later of progressively larger amount of guest and festivities, the Christmas Festival lasted three days: the Birthday of the High King, the Day of Peace, and the Christmas Ball. 

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Peter’s Orange Spiced Cake



@pevensienet challenge #4: Recipes & Delicacies

Peter realized and wholeheartedly did not what to do as he realized Christmas was coming. Christmas in Narnia was even a bit different than it’s time back in England. Which made the whole thought even more confusing. His Birthday fell two days before Christmas. In England, his mother did her best to not have his Birthday not be intentionally missed because of the idea of just waiting until Christmas to celebrate as if it was more convenient. His parents would give him one gift for his Birthday. This was the same for his three other siblings as well. Otherwise, it was rather quiet. 

Peter did not want to say much about it because it seemed rather selfish, but he wanted to know when, what day, his Birthday would be. Even if he missed it. 

Lucy though did not miss it. Or she hoped she did not. Seasons and even time ran differently in Narnia. So once it was two days before Christmas, she came from the kitchen with a proud smug and a cake with orange slices shining in the candlelight of that evening. 

The Narnians throughout Cair eventually realized that this was the High King’s Birthday. A few years later of progressively larger amount of guest and festivities, the Christmas Festival lasted three days: the Birthday of the High King, the Day of Peace, and the Christmas Ball. 

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